Tag Archive for: stress

How to Prevent Holiday Stress

The holidays can be stressful. Everyone can relate – whether it’s stress about getting everything done, stress about buying gifts, stress about seeing family and friends you haven’t seen in a while, stress about trying to stay healthy with all of those food and treats…holiday stress is something most can relate to.

But you don’t have to let the stress overwhelm you and take away the joy of the holidays. Here are a few tips on how to keep stress minimal, and enjoy the special moments.

Stress-free Tips:

1) Create a Plan
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Sounds silly, but having a plan will immediately make you feel more in control. What does a “plan” look like? That’s up to you! It can be a list of gift ideas and the weekends or days you are dedicating to shopping. It can be a calendar of events and holiday parties so you keep them straight. It can be simply sitting down and figuring out what you can say “yes” to and what you should say “no” to. Sometimes the problem lies in not saying no and having too much to do in too little time

2) Shop Online

It may seem too simple – but it’s a great way to save time and most stores will ship for free around the holidays! If you really love shopping at the stores, try to pick times that aren’t as busy (ie stay away from weekends!) – or take a day off work to get most of the shopping done.

3) Eat Healthy Meals

Many people think that if they are going to a party later they shouldn’t eat much during the day. But that can quickly backfire. You should eat a normal healthy breakfast and lunch. In fact, even though holiday treats are abundant, you should try to stick to the 80/20 rule. Eat healthy 80% of the time and that treat here or there won’t hurt you.

4) Keep Moving

Speaking of health – keep moving! Don’t stop your workout routine just because the holidays are here. Keep up with your same routine. If you are traveling and don’t have access to your normal gym or exercise routine, bring warm clothes and go for a walk or run outside! Or plan ahead – many places will have gyms or fitness classes that offer walk-in prices for one class or one day.

Other ideas to keep active during the cold winter months: sledding, snowman building, shoveling snow, skiing, snowball fights, at-home workout videos, climbing stairs.

5) Make Time for Things You Love

What do you love about the holidays? Is it sipping hot chocolate by the fire? Going to holiday festivals in the community? Going to church services? Decorating? Volunteering to help those who are in need during the holidays? Well – pencil it in on your calendar and keep the date! Just because there are lots of things to do doesn’t mean you can’t take time to do the things you like to do.

6) Get a Massage

Studies have shown that massage therapy can reduce pain, promote muscle relaxation and improve mood and sleep quality. Additionally, studies have shown that massage therapy can reduce the amount of cortisol (a hormone that contributes to stress).  Make sure you are using a licensed and experience massage therapist. Don’t forget – not only can you get massages at Summit Spine and Therapy, but you can get gift cards as gifts for the ones you love. There you go! We just knocked out two of your items on your list!

Remember, the holidays are about more than just gifts and homemade pies. It’s about spending time with those you love, giving to others (and not just with gifts – with time and talent as well), and reflecting on the year behind as we plan for the year ahead.